Hakone offers a wide variety of art and cultural classes. Parking and entrance to the Gardens is provided free for all students. Classes meet in the buildings, the crafts workshop area, or in the gardens. See class schedule for details. Contact the instructor to register for the class.
Japanese Tea Ceremony with Minako Tsuji from Urasenke School
In the magic of Hakone Gardens, learn the Japanese method of serving and drinking tea and the spirit of “Wa-Kei-Sei-Jaku”, a traditional ritual. Classes are held in the Lower House tearoom.
Minimum 5 class series of lessons, for individual private tea ceremonies please contact events@hakonegardens.org or visit our Tour/Tea Ceremony/Origami page for more information.
Time: Fridays and Saturdays 9:00am - 12:00pm
Place: Lower House
Fee: Contact Instructor
Registration: Call Ms. Tsuji at 408-226-0674 or email ctsuji@cheerful.com. Please put "Tea Ceremony" in the title line.

Zazen Meditation (zazenkai)
Zazenkai (coming together for meditation) is an offering to individuals who want to sit together and learn to practice quieting the mind and observing silence in the peaceful atmosphere of the gardens. Started by Rev. Enyu Ito, a Rinzai Buddhist priest, we follow Rinzai meditation. Also, we offer simple instruction and most importantly a time to become still.
There is no fee; however, dana (donation) is gratefully accepted to cover expenses incurred with our use of the space.
Time: Sundays, 9:00am - 10:15am (unless closed for schedule conflicts)
Place: The Upper Moon Viewing House overlooking the gardens
Registration: email info@hakone-zendo.org. Website: www.Hakone-zendo.org for additional information.

Seido Karate with Kyoshi Robert Henderson
Seido Karate is a traditional Japanese martial art. Founded by Grandmaster Tadashi Nakamura, Seido Karate embodies the principal of purposeful practice by combining the physical practice of the martial arts with the traditional respect for mental focus and spiritual training. Ongoing classes are open to students of all levels.
Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:30pm - 7:30pm
Place: Lower House
Fee: $35 per month
Registration/ information: Contact Robert at Robert@norcalseido.com, www.norcalseido.com,
or by phone at 831-325-5007