Our Mission
We are dedicated to conserve and enhance Hakone Estate and Gardens for the enjoyment and benefit of the public, to preserve its Japanese authenticity for future generations, to promote a deeper understanding of Asian Cultures, and to serve as a global forum for art, music, culture, and ideas.

Hakone Foundation
The Hakone Foundation is a nonprofit organization seeking to manage the Gardens toward independence from public financing by encouraging membership contributions, managing rentals of the buildings and gardens and by sponsoring programs. By serving as a unique multicultural venue for residents and visitors from throughout the Bay Area and the world, Hakone is becoming a true global forum for the arts and culture.
As an independent Foundation, launched in 2000, Hakone hosts more than 60,000 visitors a year, many of whom travel from Asia, Europe, Australia, and Africa. In recent years, the Foundation hosted the Prime Minister of Japan and a number of Japanese and Chinese Ambassadors and Consuls General. In addition, the Foundation routinely brings in renowned artists, dancers, performers, and musicians from throughout the world. Hakone also serves as a venue for art and cultural classes and cross-cultural programs and exhibitions. Many Bay Area corporations now view Hakone as the ideal setting for corporate retreats and conferences as Hakone achieves financial independence.
Hakone is emerging as a unique artistic and cultural venue for residents and visitors from throughout the Bay Area. The Hakone Foundation is undergoing careful restoration and upgrading of its historic buildings and gardens. All donations and contributions to the Hakone Foundation are tax deductible under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and help preserve and protect this cultural jewel.
October 17, 2024 7pm - 9pm Board Meeting at Hakone Estate and Gardens (Agenda)
December 19, 2024 7pm - 9pm Board Meeting at Saratoga Senior Center (Agenda)
February 20, 2025 7pm - 9pm Board Meeting at Saratoga Senior Center (Agenda)
The Board meeting is held on every other month and open to the public. For more info, please contact Events.

Hakone Board of Trustees
Executive Board
Emily Lo - Chairperson
Former Mayor, City of Saratoga
Beverly Harada - Vice Chairperson
Realtor of Sereno Group
Faramarz Yazdani, Ph.D - Treasurer
President, Meridian Financial Services Inc
Yuki Hashimoto - Secretary
Software Engineer, Restaurant Partner
Kookie Fitzsimmons
City Council Member, City of Saratoga
Ann Waltonsmith, Ph.D. - Former Chairperson
Psychologist; Former Mayor, City of Saratoga
Board of Trustees
Reiko Iwanaga
Teacher of Odori Japanese Dance, Leader for San Jose Obon Odori Festival & Contemporary Asian Theater Scene(CATS), Owner of At Your Request Events
Sandy Miller
Financial Systems Analyst
Hiroshi Tomita
President of Konica Minolta Laboratory U.S.A., Inc.
Phyllis Tung
Former Board Member of the Saratoga Union School District
Patti Workman
Electrical Engineer
Bonnie Yamaoka
Trustee of the Alpha Delta Pi Foundation, former Trustee of the Governing Board of the Saratoga Union School District
Connie Young Yu
Historian, Community Leader
Chuck Page
Vice Mayor, City of Saratoga
Hakone Honorary Advisors
Floyd Kvamme
Venture Capitalist
Yoriko Kishimoto
Former Mayor of Palo Alto City; now on Board of Directors, Mid-Peninsula Open Space
Allen Miner
Group Chairman/CEO, SunBridge USA
Richard Moe
Former President, National Trust for Historic Preservation
Morihito Nagai
Retired, major donor for building CEC
Miki Shimabe
International Affairs Professional
Supervisor Joe Simitian
County Board of Supervisors
Hakone Personnel
Meredith Lee - Executive Director
Tony Barbatti - Events Manager
Melia Tano - Assistant Events Manager
Safdar Ighanian - Bookkeeper/Accountant
Chiharu Yabe - Gift Shop, Membership, Volunteer, and Community Education
Jacob Kellner - Head of Grounds Maintenance
Ian Hamilton - Cultural Events Coordinator
Noriko Ashihara - Gift Shop Staff
Yoshiko Barthell - Gift Shop Staff
Ali Tang - Gift Shop Staff
Jeremy Alcantara - Assistant Gardener
Jesus Chiprez - Assistant Gardener
Sandra Velaquez - Maintenance and Cleaning
Jada Wayman - Maintenance
Hakone Long Time Volunteers
Cultural Programs: John Larissou, Minako Tsuji
Docents: Hiromi Hoshino, June Kanazawa, Naomi Shibata, JoAnn Yamani, Irene Yano
Gardens: Noriko Ashihara
Koi Consultant: Barbara Drummer
Photographer: Mike Story