Hakone Foundation Stands Against Anti-Asian Attacks and Racism
Hakone Foundation which oversees Hakone Estate and Gardens in Saratoga continues to speak out against racism and bigotry. We demand an end to the violence and harassment against Asians and people of color and the targeting of women and elderly throughout the United States. We are proud of Saratoga’s “Stop Asian Hate” rally organized by Mayor Yan Zhao, who declared that we can only end the fear in our community by standing together.
We of Hakone Foundation, continuing our stance with the Black Lives Matter movement, declare our solidarity with community groups, institutions and businesses working for lasting social change. To this movement, we contribute the documented story of Hakone’s century long struggle against racism and nativism.
During its first fifty years of existence, three sets of private owners of Hakone Gardens opposed Asian exclusion Laws, alien land laws and real estate covenants aimed at excluding people of color. Hakone suffered during WWII when the gardener James Sasaki and his wife and children, all American-born, were sent to internment camp, along with 120,000 other persons of Japanese descent. This story will be told at the Cultural Exchange Center in the up-coming exhibit, “Hakone and Executive Order 9066.” The Arcadia book, Hakone Estate and Gardens, by Ann Waltonsmith and Connie Young Yu will be available in May. Hakone’s legacy gives us strength and resolve. Looking back, we are inspired and empowered. Going forward, we stand together, united against racism and bigotry.
Hakone Board of Trustees
Ann Waltonsmith, Chairperson